

  • Asfaltbelægning otte hjulinstrument
  • Product Description LXBP-5 Pavement Roughness Test Apparatus Pavement roughness is generally defined as an expression of irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect the ride quality of a vehicle (and thus the user). Roughness is an important pavement characteristic because it affects not only ride quality but also vehicle delay costs, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Verdensbanken fandt, at vejs ruhed var en primær faktor i analyserne og afvejninger, jeg ...
  • Product Description Pavement rebound deflection tester/Pavement Benkelman deflection beam Measuring range: (1) This method is suitable for measuring the rebound deflection of various roadbeds and pavements to assess their overall bearing capacity and can be used in the design of pavement structures. (2) The rebound deflection value of the roadbed and flexible pavement measured by this method can be used for the handover and completion acceptance. (3) reboundafbøjningen af ​​...
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